David Lynch has been named president of the 2002 Cannes Film Festival. After landing a Best Direction award at the 2001 festival - which joins a 1990 Palme d'or for Wild at Heart on the Lynch fireplace - the quirky auteur will return to head the jury panel at this year's event. Following in the footsteps of Liv Ullmann, who was called in at the 11th hour last year after Jodie Foster pulled out to appear in The Panic Room , Lynch was naturally enthusiastic at the appointment. "I feel all at once enthusiastic and worried and fully conscious of the responsibility which befalls me by accepting the honour of being president at the 55th Cannes festival, the greatest festival of cinema in the world." The Cannes Film Festival runs from 15 to 26 May.
Festival Lynched
Cannes names its President for 2002
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