"We both screw people for money" observes corporate raider Edward (Gere) to greenhorn hooker (Roberts) in this thoroughly modern take on My Fair Lady. Initially, he's no more than just another trick but shucks lurve blossoms through a series of unlikely incidents, all shot in a manner reminiscent of advertisments for hair conditioner. He learns a softer style of takeover bid and she learns how to give increasingly good credit card to a new type of client. Gere is still the raunchiest practising Buddhist in the movies while Roberts, all minis and thigh boots, does a breathless impression of a '90s Eliza Doolittle in this lightweight designer morality tale packed with just enough style and sex.
Pretty Woman Review

Edward Lewis (Gere) is a rich, succesful man who's life is missing something. He pays hooker (Roberts) for this something before realising he was missing something else entirely. She, meanwhile, gets a sentimental and social education.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1990
Running Time:
119 minutes
Original Title:
Pretty Woman
Low on real social comment, this modern fable still has more than enough chemistry between it's leading pair to rake in the box-office rewards.
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